Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hot Off The Grill (Fountain Valley, CA)

Hey Everyone. This will be the hardest blog to write. To most of us food is so personal. In America there is a connection with food that really amazes me. Natalie (my wife) and I have traveled all over Europe and I just can't describe American's and their desire to eat well. It's really unique. We have memories associated with food, special times, heck I even own a plate that is specially made for birthday meals only. The reason I bring this up is that last week, as many of you know I had to euthanize my best buddy Tips. He was an amazing dog and lived a long and very full life and in tribute to everything he gave to us we took him to breakfast on the last morning of his life. I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, he really was a special guy.
     We went to Hot Off the Grill in Fountain Valley and sat on the outside patio. They automatically get bonus points for allowing dogs on the patio. The waitress came up to us and asked us what we would like to drink. After we ordered our drinks she brought them out and we placed our order. I ordered the bacon and eggs with sourdough toast and Natalie ordered the same. Then I ordered the steak for Tips. Our waitress was so nice. She brought it out on a styrofoam plate and never questioned what we were doing, though she probably thought we were those weird "spoil your dog" people. When the food came out I prepared mine first. I like to place the eggs (over easy) on top of my hasbrowns, break my bacon into small pieces and place it on top of the eggs, then I mix them all together and salt and pepper them. After my food was prepared I cut Tips' steak into tiny bite size pieces and started feeding him a few pieces at a time. He was in heaven. Natalie and I were choking back the tears as we ate our food and Nat, for the first time in months (she is 6 months pregnant) did not finish her food. We gave tips some of her bacon (which he almost bit me to get at!) and a piece of toast. We paid and I took Tips back to the car and we took Tips to see some of his very favorite people. It was a hard day, but absolutely made better with kind service and an establishment who really wants their customers to be happy.

Honestly, I'm not going to rate the food, because I don't even remember how it tasted. Natalie and I are just grateful that we got to give Tips an awesome farewell. Thank you Hot of the Grill for letting me spend the final minutes with my Best Friend in Dignity and Style.

Cheers, but with a heavy heart. . .

Hot Off The Grill

9945 Warner Ave
Fountain ValleyCA 92708
(714) 593-3000

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