Friday, November 11, 2011

Mosher's Gourmet (Long Beach)

Hello Everyone! I'm back and I have so much to write about. The latest restaurant we went to was Mosher's Gourmet. Let me set the scene, it was Sunday Morning and it was raining and really cold out so Natalie decides that she is going to ride her bike with me while I run. We left the apartment and went down to the beach for me to get my miles in. Daily goal 8 miles. About 6 Miles in Natalie starts getting really cold. She is shaking and shivering by the time we get to Mosher's for breakfast. I am warm because I've run a little over seven miles up to this point. It's still lightly raining and we place the bike out front and go in for breakfast.

The first thing you notice is the open dining area. As you walking in the door there are booths on the right and tables on the left, but it is very spacious with high cielings. I didn't want to walk through the whole restaurant so I sat in the first booth on the right. I was dripping wet mind you. Natalie went to the restroom to change into dry clothes. Once she came out we went up to the counter to order. They don't serve for breakfast, so don't pick a table and wait around for someone to come and talk to you, it won't happen.

I ordered bacon and eggs with hash browns and toast and Natalie ordered the pancakes with eggs. We both ordered hot chocolate with milk instead of water and this was where our whole eating experience went south. The kid taking the order became very confused. he didn't understand that instead of water you just substitute it for milk. He then proceeded to ask us how to prepare our hot chocolate. I asked him if they used powder for their cocoa and he said they did. So I told him to nuke the milk for 30 seconds and bring the packets and we would take care of the rest. The food came out and we were still waiting for our hot chocolate. I mentioned this to the server and he went to get it. The milk came out and he set the cocoa packets on the table with two stirring sticks. The milk was barely luke warm. I don't think he understood hot chocolate. I brought it back to get reheated. They put it in the microwave and the server told me he would bring it out to us. When it came back out it was half empty, they had boiled half the milk and the cocoa was everywhere.

Lets get down to rating.
Value: I'm not super stoked on Mosher's. The food, service and atmosphere left a lot to be desired. Considering that the server couldn't even understand how to make hot cocoa with milk and the fact that our bill was almost $25 before tips I would say I have to give it one star out of five for value. Sorry folks, not a great experience.
Food Quality: The food was okay as far as taste was concerned, but it wasn't warm when we got it and the hot cocoa was a joke, so I would say 2 seconds. This has less to do with the quality of taste and more to do with portion size (small) and price (high).
Category: This one is hard to place. It's supposed to be a gourmet deli, but as far as breakfast is concerned it doesn't really fit into any category. The decor is New York deli photos with a hideous color scheme and a very drafty room. Added to the fact that the service was not very good I would say 1 out of 10 for category which I'm just saying is delicatessen.

To wrap:
Value: 1 Star (out of 5)
FQ: 2 Seconds (Out of 10)
Category: 1 out of 10 for Delicatessen

I'm not saying I wouldn't try Mosher's for lunch if someone was paying, but I'm not spending hard earned dollars there again.


Mosher's Gourmet
300 West Ocean Blvd # B
Long Beach
(562) 432-6267

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