Monday, November 7, 2011

The Ratings System!

As I said earlier I really want to lay down the ratings system so that people understand how I rate a restaurant. I want to qualify this with a note that to the reader: If you have a good idea for rating I would love to hear it. I am open to any and all suggestions. If I do not choose your suggestion, please do not get offeneded. I am a simple fellow, plainly put my system needs to be simple so I can actually apply it. So, here goes!
Value: The simple star system is going to have to work for now. If the restaurant has great value it will have 5 Stars. If it has good value 4, Average Value 3, Poor Value 2, and if I would not recommend it on a basis of value 1 star. At some point I would like to change this rating system to make it more my own, but for now it will have to do.
Food Quality: With the help of my beautiful wife we have created a unique system to let you know how awesome I think the food is. It is the 5-Second Rule System. Let me Explain. This system defines how long I am willing to wait after food falls on the floor before I won't eat it. How long I'm willing to wait determines the quality of the food in my opinion.
1-3 Seconds: The Food is Poor to Mediocre
4-7 Seconds: The Food is Average to Good
8-10 Seconds: The Food is Really Good to Amazing and I'm Definitely Coming Back!
Category: This is an arbitrary category, but I think it helps people in deciding where they want to go. How does the Restaurant fit into its category. Let's use an Italian Food Restaurant for Example. You Walk through the door and you immediately hear Sinatra playing in the background, the booths are deep and large and there is a very large man sitting in a booth with a beautiful woman. On every table there are candles in some sort of glass votive holder and each table has a dispenser of oil and vinegar and every table has a red and white stripped table cloth. The Maitre d' is dressing in evening attire and the waiter is wearing dark slacks, a button up white shirt and a black bow tie. This is the quintessential Italian Restaurant, even if it is slightly stereotypical. It would get a 10/10.

Now that I've defined the ratings I really need to get on it! I have four great new restaurants (at least new to me) that I need to tell you about. So without further adieu, as they say, on with the show!



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